BUT these are just doubt, let us just believe that Santa is alive just believeeeee.
BUT these are just doubt, let us just believe that Santa is alive just believeeeee.
Christmas is a very special time of year filled with laughter ,joy and anticipitation . Friend and family gather from near and far to share the warmth of the season exactly like our new year Noroz!
however many needy children do not have christmas at all,they just write a letter to santa and they wish to have....
I hope that one day there is no needy person in the world thats my wish my dear Santa!!
We are Ok but...
yesterday I wrote a post, the title was Tomorrow,and today is that tomorrow!!I am so happy my love Registered at PhD level and it was one of our biggest aim and we reached to our goal,we are classmate again and that reminds me last years,it was past so early we were classmate on bachelor era and how nice it was then he helped me to inter university on master level , how much sacrificial ,then after one year he started his master, last semester I started my PhD and just after one semester he start .
My Dearest Nima ,congratulation ! you deserve it to start even before me and now I am so happy for you to reach to one of the important goal in your life actually our life,
Thank GOD for giving us this nice day.
Thanks GOD for every things which you given me as a gift!
At last I recieved first semester result,I got three A and my average grade is A too and I am so happy,I passed 9 credit and only 3 credit remain for this semester if I will get A in this credit my average grade will be A too.
it is the result of studing hard,I tried very hard sometimes I slept only 4 hours in a day and now when I get the good result I don't feel tired and I am full of energy for next semester that I am waiting for impatiently.
SO Thanks GOD .................