Hi Mamany!How are you?what are you doing there?Is every things OK?
We are Ok but...
you Know, today exactly 10 years past from that day we all miss you.We really need you more now .
Ok, I know you know every things that happen for us better but do you like I describe it for you same as ever?... when we miss you ,we couldn't believe that and some of us like my Dad can't face with it, do you know why? because you passed a way on my Dad's arm!!
I wasn't in tehran on that day and until that day afternoon no one told me That I missed my dearest Mamany, when I heard ,I couldn't stop my crying and your nice face with a beautiful laugh on back of the windows.. oh still in front of me,then I came with nonstop crying ,Amir brought me to the cemetery and then I believed that I miss you for ever,
Now I want to tell you more about my life after you,do you remember I talked with my cell phone and you asked me "Who is he?" I just laughed and you told me"Don't laugh! tell me who is he" I told you " He is my classmate"and again laugh"you told me "Ok tell him to come here I want to see him" and asked me "What is his name?" remember?I told you Nima,yes we got married ,actually it is about 4 years ,exactly 1 years and half after graduating from bachelor.
He is a very good guy he really love me and me too so don't worry about my life.I want to tell you a little about others, Mahsa , Ali, mohammad, Naghme and Neda all went to university fortunately they all accepted in their favourite major, Ali & Naghmeh still student.
wow I want to tell you about Maryam I am sure you are remember her and sure that you are worry about her she is high school student now! and one of the best student on her school , Mohammad is elementary student he is cute and very kind.
do you know Amir have a cute daughter that act exactly like you! her name is Tina she is chubby and study at elementary school.
your lovely boy I mean my Dad, had an heart operation again you don't know how much we need you that time but we felt you.It was really difficult for us let alone for him. My mom Maryam is very well nursing him and I am so thankful of her .
and your only doughter my dearest Afsaneh, I always try to be a good sister for her but I am not satisfied, but she did all the best toward me same as ever even now she sent me ....
I promise to you I will definently compensate her kindness.
Behroz and his wife in Mecca now!
and I am far from the happy family that you made ,I am not in Iran I am PhD student now and I know how much you are happy when I told you I am still studing , it is good but I am very far from my dearest family and this year I miss you more.
Ok Mamany it is enough for today I will tell you more tonight .prey for us and say my Warm Regards to the GOD!!
Your grand child Mona Lita!!