Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy 7th Wedding anniversary!

A wedding anniversary is celebration of LOVE, TRUST,PARTNERSHIP,TOLERANCE and TENACITY, the order varies for any given year.
Nothing in this world could ever be as wonderful as the love you've given me during these 7 years speciecally lately when I've had a hard time. This is the richest love which submits to the arbitration of time. Happy 7th wedding anniversary.
I LOVE YOU♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Nima.

Dear GOD, thanks so much for all the things, you gave me.


Anonymous said...

mobarake ... mamnon behem sar zadi , rasti midonam mitonam mahdodesh konam ama moshgelate digea ham daram :(

rojiin said...

rasti man rojinam . az ashnai bahat khoshhalam :*